Joined May 2014
Student from University of Nottingham Malaysia, part time drummer, photographer and blogger
HAPPY beat project is a project to bring happiness to orphans through musics and beats. With the help of KHIND Starfish Foundation, we are now one step closer to help out the orphans out there !
Music is a language, a language that you don't have to understand but always connect everyone together.
Hello, I'm McQueen Ee, a drummer, playing drum for 8 years. In this, I've found my own happiness, my own joy. Then, there's once, I was thinking, why do we need to be a performer in order to perform? EVERYONE can perform, right? Life is a stage, a stage we all can stand on. Why restrict performance are only available for performers?
Thus, I came up with this project. Want to help people who maybe had no chance to perform or being left out by the busy society, and so I chose orphanages. Instead of just going to the orphange home, bringing needies for them, we bring joy and laughter, we bring performance and let them perform.
2 orphange homes will be selected. Instead of only letting them playing music, we will let them DIY their own instrument, DIY their own performing clothes as there will be a performance held on the last day of our project ! Everyone is invited to come to see their performance(venue and time to be confirmed) and let the love spread around!
快乐节奏是一个由一班鼓手与 KHIND Starfish Foundation 一起合作的 project,它将会透过音乐与节奏把快乐带给孤儿,让他们觉得自己不再活在世界的角落,而是我们也重视的对象;让那颗纯真的心像阳光般微笑着 给予这个世界正能量!
嗨,大家好,我是余姿静,学生兼职鼓手,打了八年鼓。在这其中,我找到了自己,那份快乐 那份痛快 那份属于音乐的感动。来来回回表演了无数次,享受着舞台 享受着掌声,曾有一次 我在想,为什么舞台 一定要属于表演者 ,为什么表演 一定要限制于表演者?
现今的社会,大家都忙忙碌碌地为了自己在努力着。正在我们为我们的成果庆功,享受着成果时,我们是否意识到在我们的生活中依然有许多彷徨无助的一群。然后我开始在想,要如何才可以突破这个传统观念,让大家也有个机会表演,把欢乐带给大家。于是,我选择去到孤儿院。与其只是把物质打给他们,不如把真正的欢乐 把能永固在心里的那份感动透过音乐留下来给他们。
我们将尽我们的绵力针对指定孤儿院的孤儿献出的关怀。我们会陪他们一起玩音乐,亲手制作 他们的乐器与衣服以呈现一场公开性演出。这演出将会落在这项计划的最后一天。(大家都能来哟!地点和时间稍侯公布)
Joined May 2014
Student from University of Nottingham Malaysia, part time drummer, photographer and blogger
Joined May 2014
Student from University of Nottingham Malaysia, part time drummer, photographer and blogger
HAPPY beat project is a project to bring happiness to orphans through musics and beats. With the help of KHIND Starfish Foundation, we are now one step closer to help out the orphans out there !
Music is a language, a language that you don't have to understand but always connect everyone together.
Hello, I'm McQueen Ee, a drummer, playing drum for 8 years. In this, I've found my own happiness, my own joy. Then, there's once, I was thinking, why do we need to be a performer in order to perform? EVERYONE can perform, right? Life is a stage, a stage we all can stand on. Why restrict performance are only available for performers?
Thus, I came up with this project. Want to help people who maybe had no chance to perform or being left out by the busy society, and so I chose orphanages. Instead of just going to the orphange home, bringing needies for them, we bring joy and laughter, we bring performance and let them perform.
2 orphange homes will be selected. Instead of only letting them playing music, we will let them DIY their own instrument, DIY their own performing clothes as there will be a performance held on the last day of our project ! Everyone is invited to come to see their performance(venue and time to be confirmed) and let the love spread around!
快乐节奏是一个由一班鼓手与 KHIND Starfish Foundation 一起合作的 project,它将会透过音乐与节奏把快乐带给孤儿,让他们觉得自己不再活在世界的角落,而是我们也重视的对象;让那颗纯真的心像阳光般微笑着 给予这个世界正能量!
嗨,大家好,我是余姿静,学生兼职鼓手,打了八年鼓。在这其中,我找到了自己,那份快乐 那份痛快 那份属于音乐的感动。来来回回表演了无数次,享受着舞台 享受着掌声,曾有一次 我在想,为什么舞台 一定要属于表演者 ,为什么表演 一定要限制于表演者?
现今的社会,大家都忙忙碌碌地为了自己在努力着。正在我们为我们的成果庆功,享受着成果时,我们是否意识到在我们的生活中依然有许多彷徨无助的一群。然后我开始在想,要如何才可以突破这个传统观念,让大家也有个机会表演,把欢乐带给大家。于是,我选择去到孤儿院。与其只是把物质打给他们,不如把真正的欢乐 把能永固在心里的那份感动透过音乐留下来给他们。
我们将尽我们的绵力针对指定孤儿院的孤儿献出的关怀。我们会陪他们一起玩音乐,亲手制作 他们的乐器与衣服以呈现一场公开性演出。这演出将会落在这项计划的最后一天。(大家都能来哟!地点和时间稍侯公布)
Joined May 2014
Student from University of Nottingham Malaysia, part time drummer, photographer and blogger